Meet Our Team: Carlos Calderon, Juan Carmona & Jesus Hueramo
Carlos Calderon has been with Mid-States for a total of 11 years and has been a foreman for nine of those years. He spent two years on the beds in Wet Cast before earning a foreman spot. He credits his experience and hard work with earning him the position.
The thing Carlos enjoys most about his work is his teammates. He said they work well together, have good communication and get along well. He also said that every day he gets to learn something new.
The most important thing Carlos has learned at Mid-States is becoming a better person by getting to know others and building relationships. He continues to do what he does because he likes the work and feels comfortable doing it. He also has a family to take care of. Carlos believes more communication is the key to doing great things.
Juan Carmona has been with Mid-States Concrete Industries for six years and has been a foreman for four of those years. He started working in Wet Cast and was encouraged by another teammate to become a foreman. Juan likes everything about his work, especially the people he works with. He has become very knowledgeable about the work he performs.
The most important thing Juan has learned working at Mid-States is how to read prints. He said his English has also improved.
Juan continues to do the work he does to provide for his family. He said it is good pay for the work and helps him to afford the things his family needs, and save, too. In his free time, Juan plays soccer in the Rockford league.
Jesus Hueramo has been with Mid-States Concrete Industries for 11 years and has been a foreman for seven years. He began his career with Mid-States in Wet Cast and credits his previous experience and knowledge for helping him achieve foreman. Prior to Mid-States, Jesus was a foreman at his previous job.
What Jesus enjoys most about his work is his teammates, which are like family, he said. The most important thing Jesus has learned at Mid-States is safety. Safety is so important, he said, because he wants to go home to his family every night. And speaking of family, that’s why Jesus continues to do what he does - to take care of his family.