Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays


It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

There’s something special about this time of year. A light snowfall, Christmas lights twinkling, hot chocolate with mini marshmallows, Nsync’s Christmas album playing softly in the background… sounds like a perfect night, right?

Christmastime is often a sentimental time of year. How often do you catch yourself reminiscing with your family about the good old days when you were just a kid, or when your kids were still little? I know as the season approaches, I want to make sure my son has the same kind of Christmas I did, filled with family time, baking Christmas cookies, shopping and wrapping gifts to give, opening way too many gifts (because, if I am being honest, we were more than a little spoiled at Christmas), decorating the Christmas tree, hanging twinkling lights in all the windows, donning silly Christmas sweaters, watching the Christmas classics and so much more.

Christmas is a magical time for children, as they await Santa Claus and try spotting Rudolph flying through the sky on Christmas Eve. Can’t we all use a little more magic in our lives this season?

This year, I started a new tradition with my son - the 24 books of Christmas. Ahead of December 1, I wrapped 24 Christmas books (many of them pulled off his book shelf) and put them in a basket in the living room. Each night, he gets to pick one book to read, to help keep him in the Christmas spirit and get him even more excited for Santa. He is LOVING it! And it makes me smile to know that my son has my love of reading, especially Christmas stories, too.

So what about you? What is your favorite Christmas tradition? Share in the comments below.