Years ago I attended a New Year’s Eve party with a friend’s family. Upon entering the house, there was a table set up with slips of paper and pencils. Every guest was asked to take a slip of paper and write on it one thing they want to let go of from the past year.
The goal was to pick one thing that was holding you back and write it down. Then, shortly before midnight we all brought our slips of paper out into the cold and stood around a fire pit set in the driveway. On the count of three, we all dropped our papers into the fire, symbolically letting go of whatever it was that was holding us back before the start of the new year.
Then we counted down to the new year, exchanged our traditional hugs and kisses and sang the beloved Auld Lang Syne. Every January 1 offers the ability to start fresh. What are you going to let go of prior to the new year? What will you no longer allow to hold you back?
- Stephanie McCord, Marketing Specialist