Information Technology


Senior Vice President | Administration

email Michael LinkedIn

I’ve celebrated over 20 years of marriage with my incredible wife. Together we have raised two awesome children. My oldest has a career in emergency services and my youngest is off to college. I’ve had the honor of being part of Team Mid-States for nine years. I’m truly blessed to be able to work with such amazing people.

Off the Clock
I like to plan crazy adventures full of Type II fun. We’ve ended up in some awesome places like the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, The Prince of Whales Hotel, or the mayor’s house in Han Sur Neid, France. I’ve also slept in a farmer’s field, sandbars on the Wisconsin River, and an off-grid cabin in Alaska. There is no better way to feel alive than going into the cold, dark wilderness during the winter to camp under a tarp while your friends fight over how to make fire.

Secret Life
I won an Apple Pie Contest seven years ago.  They haven’t had the contest since, so I’m the Reigning Apple Pie Contest Champion for the past seven years.

Here is an alfredo sauce recipe that may change your life.  Step 1. Whisk together over medium heat: 4 tablespoons of butter, 3 tablespoons of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt, and ½ teaspoon of pepper.  Step 2. Pour in 2 cups of milk.  Whisk.  Don’t stop whisking.  Step 3. Add ½ cup of parmesan cheese.  Then, add some more parmesan cheese because you are from WI and ½ cup isn’t enough.  Don’t stop whisking.  Step 4. When it thickens up, pour over some noodles.  Step 5. Eat way too much because it’s the best thing you’ve ever had.

I devote a lot of my time outside of work as President of my local squirrel observation group.  As the only active member I have yet to observe any squirrels ☹.

I delivered pizzas when I was in college, so if my wife complains about my driving I remind her that I used to be a professional.

I’m a big fan of the Oxford Comma.

I type two spaces after a period.  Haters gonna hate.

Full Stack Developer

email Matt LinkedIn

I have over 25 years of experience in the information technology field.  I live in Janesville with my significate other, a Dachshund, and a Chiwawa that thinks she a Dachshund.

Off the Clock
My hobbies include playing video games such as League of Legends and the coin-op classics like PAC-MAN and Joust.  On the weekends I will be watching my favorite movies like War Games, Brain Candy, and Airplane, while grilling steaks or smoking some pulled pork or jerky.

Secret Life
I developed my own shopping cart system for my dad’s golf club website when I was only 16 and was approached by Golfsmith to purchase it.  I didn’t sell!

I have been designing own video game / board game entitled Heroes of Gravendal that I’m hoping to release by the end of 2025. 

IT Manager

email Andres

My biggest accomplishment is to always make a difference and leave a mark on any place that I’ve worked. I always put more than the extra mile since our workplace is where we spend the most time of our lives and for me is like my second home. My first IT job after I graduated as a Computer Engineer was at Hard Rock Hotel in Panama where I got rewarded Employee of the Month in May 2016.

Off the Clock
I am going to start in the Viking Lanes bowling league in June this year. I am into so many hobbies. Right now I am into RC Drifting and parts design/development. I also like to play guitar, paintball, bowling, hiking with my golden retriever and my wife and I also love to cook. I can do Neapolitan pizza with a wood oven that I have and on special occasions I do different kinds of Venezuelan cheese.

Secret Life
I like to collect M & M merchandise. I left a huge collection down in Venezuela and I have some cool ones here. My uncle is a Priest in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. In my country, it is very common to hug people next to you when taking a picture, so he got famous when he was invited to the Vatican City to meet Pop John Paul II with his conservatory group. He was lucky enough to be just next to the Pope for the group picture and when they took it, he hugged the Pope making him one of the few people that touched or hugged Pope John Paul II.

IT Support Specialist

email Lee

Graduated from Blackhawk Technical College

Off the Clock
Phi Theta Kappa, The Honor Society, Ordained through Universal Life Church, and a few paranormal investigation groups. Video games, movies, camping, hiking, fishing, paranormal investigating.

Secret Life
I’ve been on Haunted Case Files on the Travel Channel and have been part of a group that hosted Fox News on a paranormal investigation at Rainbow Springs in Mukwonago, Wisc. Have also been in a book and wrote a story about my personal experiences for a second, yet to be published, book. Both books are about Willow Creek Farm in Illinois.